Saturday, April 17, 2010

See... I told you I didn't know what I was doing ;)

Moments after experiencing the electronic rush of posting my first ever blog, I noticed that the story overview was cut in half & cannot be selected as its own image?!?  Maybe that's Googles way of saying only half the story concept works at this point :)... In spite of Google's somewhat harsh critique, I've reposted it below!  Later~ 

Monday, April 12, 2010

It begins...

First off, this whole thing is crazy, and I really have no idea what I'm doing, but I thought it be kind of interesting to blog about that...  So, it begins ;)...  This blog is as inside of a look as it gets on the creative journey behind the Interactive Graphic Novel I'm creating (Even as we speak I type) called The Way.  The ups, down, rewrites, concept designs, character backgrounds, etc.  BUT, this journey is not to be taken alone, so I'm opening up this story to YOU!  Plot twists, story direction, character choices, design concepts are all up for debate!  Ok, enough talk.  Lets unearth some of the roots of this project, and let me know what you thing...